Pan Martabak
"hanya butuh 8 bahan dan 4 langkah"
Make sure you cook the sides as well for a few seconds, holding the martabak with your hand and a spatula. Very gently slightly turn the pan around in circular motion so the batter thinly coat the side of the pan (this will form a nice crust later and that's one of the best part of martabak). Let it cook on medium high heat until the bubbles came out into the entire surface and then reduce the heat immediately to the lowest setting.
The name Mutabbaq in Arabic means "folded". It is a popular street food in Indonesia. You may hear about getting the special Martabak pan as well, but it is not necessary. Anda bisa memasak Pan Martabak menggunakan 8 bahan dan 4 langkah. Begini cara buatnya.
Bahan-bahan membuat Pan Martabak
- Siapkan 2 butir Putih telur.
- Bunda butuh 6 sdm Terigu Cakra.
- Siapkan 100 ml Susu UHT (kurleb).
- Siapkan 1 sdt Baking Powder.
- Bunda butuh 1 sdm Oil (bisa minyak goreng atau olive oil).
- Siapkan Gula pasir.
- Bunda butuh Garam.
- Siapkan Messes, Cokelat parut, keju, dll sesuai selera untuk topping.
Baking soda is the only leavener used in this recipe. In fact, it is also the only leavener that should be used in any Martabak recipes. Usually made by street vendors in the evening, martabak manis are pan-cooked in a very large amount of shortening. A thin batter is poured into a specially shaped pan.
Langkah-langkah memasak Pan Martabak
- Mixer putih telur hingga seperti berbusa.
- Masukkan susu perlahan, terigu perlahan, garam, gula dan baking powder dan mix terus pakai sendok juga boleh. Kemudian tambahkan oil..
- Cetak adonan pada pan yg sudah dipanaskan. 1 pcs cukup dicetak dari 1 sendok sayur. Tidak perlu pakai minyak atau margarin ya..
- Tambahkan topping sesuai selera..
After cooking, the pancake is ready to be topped: often with cheese, and/or shortening, and/or chocolate, and/or peanuts. In Malaysia, the snack is usually served with a curry sauce to dip, but Indonesians prefer a. Martabak Manis, or sweet thick pancake, is the sugary version and has several names such as Terang Bulan (meaning 'shining moon') in Surabaya and Martabak Bangka in Bandung, West Java. Today, it is common to have a variety of sweet toppings such as chocolate sprinkles, Nutella, fruits, marshmallows - even peanuts, sesame seeds and cheese. If you don't have the Martabak Manis Pan, than you also can use a very thick pan, so the martabak manis wont burn before it's done.
Mudah sekali kan buat Pan Martabak ini? Selamat mencoba.